Chile, fértil provincia, y señalada / en la región antártica famosa, / de remotas naciones respetada / por fuerte, principal y poderosa, / la gente que produce es tan granada, / tan soberbia, gallarda y belicosa, / que no ha sido por rey jamás regida, / ni a extranjero dominio sometida. La Araucana. Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga

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Location: Santiago de Chile, Región Metropolitana, Chile

Editor: Neville Blanc

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

proxima subasta The Library of a Spanish Bibliophile, el 20 de Marzo próximo

Estimado Neville, un hermoso catalogo con la venta de los libros de un bibliófilo español.
Ojala lo puedas poner en el blog. Saludos, Exequiel
De: Christies Chile []
Enviado el: Martes, 26 de Febrero de 2013 13:27
Asunto: Christie's sale catalogue - The Library of a Spanish Bibliophile, 20th March 2013
Estimado Sr. Lira,
Es un placer informarle de nuestra proxima subasta The Library of a Spanish Bibliophile, el 20 de Marzo próximo. Atachado esta el link para el catalogo.
quedamos atento a cualquier ayuda que pueda necesitar,
Pabla Ugarte
On March 20, 2013 Christie's will dedicate an auction to the book collection of Isidoro Fernández (born 1878 in Galicia – died 1963 in Barcelona). Isidoro was an avid bibliophile, but also a businessman, a husband and a father to eight children. After he passed away, his library of Spanish and French books was passed down the family line. The Spanish collection is particularly varied, with over 400 lots ranging from extremely rare 16th travel books to more modern 20th century novels; it includes also picaresque novels, histories including accounts of Moorish uprisings and oppression in Catalonia, early anthologies, collections of maxims or sayings, works by or in praise of women, and early Castilian translations all from a key part. Antonio Palau y Dulcet, in his Memòries d’un llibreter català (Barcelona, 1935), refers to Isidoro affectionately as ‘Fernández, alies El Bilbai’, and mentions how his friend progressed from being a mere collector of magazines to the status of ‘un bibliòfil enragé’. It was probably from Palau himself that Isidoro learned his love of French books, many of which were collected in the twenties, while the majority of his Spanish books were bought in the thirties and forties.

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